Logistics Service

Plan an unstressful logistic service for your destination wedding.

Logistics Services For Weddings

Imagine your guests having landed after a long flight, train or bus all excited and pulled up about your wedding, unable to wait to check in to the hotel and then they are treated with a noisy, screechy or dirty car or may be no car at all. First impression brutally went bad kind of an experience it may sound, but it usually happens when proper attention is not given to logistics. However, when you are with Team BTS, there is absolutely no room for this kind of conduct. Shortage of fleet of vehicles, mis-managed logistics, improper coordination etc. are not the BTS way of doing it. Instead, Team BTS provides you with vehicles that are in good condition, having car refreshments, are on-time available, extra vehicles on stand-by and quality vehicles that makes the little journey to destination a quick time to freshen up.

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Facilities Plied By BTS Logistics

BTS has its in-house fleet of vehicles as well as tie-ups with various vehicle vendor that leads to easy deployment as and when required. The vehicles be it cars or minibus or buses are neat and clean with all the basic amenities. The journey to the venue could be a long one as well since many major airports and resorts does not lie in the vicinity of the city and unkept vehicles could prove frustrating to the guests. BTS also hold luxury vehicles with professional chauffeur to entertain your VIP Guests and take care of their needs.

Besides handling guest logistics at the time of the wedding, we also provide logistics services for pre-wedding preparations. The pre-wedding preparations includes delivery of vendor goods, personal items, wedding attires, dance props, wedding favours, gift hampers, room hampers etc. at the venue, in all everything that requires additional care. These are some highly important items whose delivery cannot be risked.

Our team takes care of the RSVP’s and coordinate with all the guests to confirm on their date and time to reach and depart from the wedding destination. We then make schedule and group the guests on the basis of their stop of landing among airport, railway or roadway. We regroup the guests on the basis of their time of arrival and arrange logistics as per the size of groups. It is done in order to easily handle the swarm of guests whose arrival and departure time is assumed to be almost neck to neck since they are attending the same function. We also keep certain vehicles on stand by in case of vehicle downtime and other issues so that the guests do not have to suffer.

Greeting your guests with refreshment hampers, wet tissues, soft drinks, water bottles etc. placed in your vehicles gives a very good impression of your hospitality and guest value. The guests feel satisfied and that is what holds the most significance.

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